Trophies for Skatemasta Tcheco

Skatemasta Tcheco Skatemasta Tcheco
Platinum trophy
Platinum trophy Skatemasta Tcheco
Unlock all other trophies
Ollie attack
Ollie attack Skatemasta Tcheco
Jump on an enemy
Skatemasta Skatemasta Tcheco
Finish any 2 levels in the game
Little Moneybags
Little Moneybags Skatemasta Tcheco
Collect $25,000
Airstrike Skatemasta Tcheco
Air dash an enemy
Safety first
Safety first Skatemasta Tcheco
Collect a health pack
Moneybags Skatemasta Tcheco
Collect $50,000
A friend in need
A friend in need Skatemasta Tcheco
Collect all friend name letters in any level
Fighter Skatemasta Tcheco
Defeat any in the game
Livin' on the edge
Livin' on the edge Skatemasta Tcheco
Choose not to save your game when prompted
Triple the fun
Triple the fun Skatemasta Tcheco
Defeat 3 or more enemies in a combo
Wild in the streets
Wild in the streets Skatemasta Tcheco
Finish the level "Concrete Jungle"